8" x 10" Gold Foil certificates per box. Heavy Platinum Parchment with Striking Gold Foil Accents. Create Your Own are Laser compatible include layout guides, wording ideas.White Vellum Envelopes Included. XB 101 Marriage, Preprinted XB 111 Marriage, Create Your Own! XB 110F/AB021 Spanish Marriage Parchment Collection Partida de Matrimonio Según el Rito de la Iglesia Católica Romana _________________________________ y ________________________________ fueron Unidos en Matrimonio el_____ día del mes de ___________ de_____ teniendo como celebrante al_________________ en la______________________________ Ante la presencia de ________________________________ Testigo ________________________________ Testigo Ciudad, Estado Iglesia XB 106/AM/AB020 Spanish Reconciliation XB 103 First Communion, Preprinted XB 113 First Communion, Create Your Own! XB 203F/AB012 Spanish First Communion XB 900 Graduation Preprinted XB 911 Create Your Own! XB 104 Confirmation, Preprinted XB 114 Confirmation, Create Your Own! XB 204F/AB013 Spanish Confirmation XB 102 Baptism, Preprinted XB 112 Baptism, Create Your Own! XB 202 Spanish Baptism ... y los dos formarán un solo ser Efesios 5:31 XB 109/AB029 RCIA, Preprinted (3 Sacraments) XB 119 RCIA , Create Your Own! XB 105 Reconciliation, Preprinted XB 115 Reconciliation, Create Your Own! XB 109/AB028 RCIA Certificate with Full Communion Message (For Adults and Children who XB 119 RCIA , Create Your Own! are already Baptized - 2 Sacraments) Certificates – Preprinted or Create Your Own English & Spanish Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 79 White vellum envelopes included. $49.95/box of 50